Jan. 31
They came,
they saw, they left... well... for the most part.
it's pretty much us seasonal fulltimers and snowbirds left to play in the
thinks, some left early due to the forecast of this... or mostly they came
for the big show and rallies for 10 days and are off to greener pastures.
No one has ever confided in us to declare where that is, so that's why
we're not there right now.
BLM road in La Posa North
Yes it has been known to
happen here in Q a little wind and the desert gets up moves from one side
of the road to the other.
This being Monday it makes
for a good ending to the big tent show of last week. The weather has been
perfect the last few weeks, but now it's turning for a spell and will be
a bit cooler. Reading Nick's
Blog of Gypsy Journal fame... he is to blame for the change of
weather. He brought it with him from Florida. Nick turn around and go back...
we were doing just fine without Ya.
It was still fantastic Saturday
and a campfire was had, and of course a great soak in the hot tub.
We are watching the news
from the middle east and the continuing winter storms up north and feel
content and safe in the wilds of the BLM desert in Quartzsite, Arizona.
Have solar power and backup generator as we're off the grid unlike many
up north that are off the grid, not by choice. And sure the natives are
restless, but we're in Arizona, where they're always restless. If you spent
summers in the heat they get here, you'd be restless too, me thinks.
Jan. 26
We went, we saw,
we don't have to go back for another year. Big... Sigh..
go because it's there... and after walking each isle and around the outside
venders we are tuckered out. Each year we look at each other and
say this is just the some O some O. Now that may be just us... might we
have everything we need.. Every vender is in their same places and
nothing new. Besides we seldom find anything we want to purchase. (OOPS,
this year we did buy a anode for our hot water heater. A whole $11)
But if you are looking for a specific big time item (tow hitch, sat dish,
etc.) that needs installed you can do it here. Wonder how many want to
buy a bulky item and carry it around and then back to where they are parked.
So you can see I'm a little down on the big tent show after going
for so many years now. It's like a state fair you go back to each year
because you can. It's an outing and good people watching. A
Woodstock for RVers... so you just get in gear and do it. Their are
some non typical food venders, so you can have a food tasting compliment
to your outing. This event in the desert is a huge deal as people
and their RVs are here in big numbers to walk and shop till they drop.
Looking at all the RVers that spend big bucks just getting here, (diesel
has gone nuts) so sure it's a must do for at least one afternoon going
to the big tent. And later go wondering the other vender areas in town
on other days. Makes for a more appreciated happy hour and BBQ supper and
campfire after a big out and about. Did I say the weather has been
the best it have been for several years. Yes another winter storm is hitting
the northeast. BUT in Q perfect.
if you had to shovel snow today, sit back and relax and view some pictures
from the Quartzsite, AZ Big Tent Show.
no misstate this is one big tent.
Every cooking helper known
to the RV cook and then some.
Now if you don't like bread
crusts... Go for it.
Now this might be better
than most... She might just have a clue on what RVers are looking for.
Now for something every true
fulltimer should have... Of course a blow up hut tube. Not because we have
one, you understand... But you remember how much you miss that hot tub
soak, you had in yours at your old sticks and bricks. And to think
you can have that again whenever and wherever. We never had one in
any of our S&B but now I'm addicted. He was selling the same brand
as the one we have... not sure if it was the same model as the top cover
was not as nice as ours. I went up to him and told him we have one set
up in the BLM and people were well aware of it and might help him for sales.
He didn't seem impressed. So I moved on. Think his main concern was he
had missed out on a sale. He at lest could have had the bubbles running.
There are a lot of big MHs and 5ers parked right now around Q that could
carry this without a problem. See the picture in the stand... the tub with
heater, filer system, bubbles blower folds up in a large bag. Get out there
and pick one up. He is in booth 523. Or go to Walmart
I know what your thinking,
Walmart but they have this item (not in stores, online only) and it is
a quality product.
And it seems everyone has
to have a flag pole. What is that all about. Looks like a lot of space
needed for them...
Now this was one booth that
must have been busy... see all the applications she is going through at
the table.
Amazon hires people to handle
the shipping crush during the holidays. I read a blog the other day
from someone who did that last year and wrote about it. I will try to find
it. They said it was hard work, but well worth it.
Like every year the biggest
lines are at the main Ice Cream vender.
Now if you don't think you
you have room for a hot tub you may have room for this. It looks
bigger in this picture than in real life. A very very portable ping
pong table. Tiny... My first thought was how well will a ping pong ball
will bounce off the cardboard like surface. The price if I read it
right $100 What's wrong with lawn games with people throwing bean
bags at each other. Underhanded... I hope...
Now with all that walking
we wondered back to Prospectors Panorama Show grounds
next to Beer Bellies for some
VERY good hand dipped fish
and chips. I was surprised it was really good stuff.. Of course Terry had
to saok the fires with ketchup.
He likes fries with his
ketchup. If yu get my drift...

They had a fish flying windsock
above their Red Box cook trailer. If
I find one on at banner, windsock, flag vender around town it's sold.
Theirs looks like a bass but I could get confused as it is colorful like
a trout.
I could fly it when Terry
has Gone Fishing.
I did a Google Search for
Trout Windsocks... Yes I did...
Who would think I wouldn't
find a school of them. Pun intended.
The only problem is, if
it is up in the wind viewable, it's likley too windy to go fly fishing.
I guess a limp fish means
it's good fly fishing day. You've got to be able to control your fly.
I'm not going there...
Jan. 24
Holding out in
the BLM in Quartzsite.
like a snow storm warning up north... you have to stock up.
were able to get through the gridlock and actually found Fat Free Milk
at the General Store on Sunday.
think it might be my fault but the traffic today was worse than during
the weekend. Remember I suggested we should all hold off going to
the big tent show... till it clears out later in the week... I guess
they did... sort of... but now on Monday they showed up in
even bigger numbers than ever. They were backed up from the Road
Runner Market on the east side trying to go west to the light to jus turn
south on HW 95 to go over the overpass. If you have ever been here you
get the picture. Hey we're all retired so what's the rush, me thinks.
of course my cub photo reporter couldn't get out for pictures so I'm at
a loss to show today. He did make it to the rock club for his morning
class on chain making.... So you know what his priorities were. Just kidding
Terry. There are some routes to get around this town in the crazy
season. I'm not about to tell you about them...
I do
have this... Prospectors Panorama Show grounds east of Tyson Wells has
gotten a clue this year as they have moved a RV dealer off their grounds
on the south side to make room for parking. That sez alot about how
they want to treat their venders so as to provide parking so customers
can get access to them. Well Done... They also as you saw in an earlier
post blacktoped their show area. A class act in a desert of nincompoops.
Prospectors started charging $10 to park. Bummer.
enjoy and bring your walking stick....
Jan. 23
Staying connected
in the BLM off the grid Plus.... a not so friendly vender food.
who go off the grid don't just hunker down and read a good book by candle
light you understand.
they may have a Kindle... but Internet access is a lifeline for most these
days as you can see. A DataStorm Internet Dish. Yes.
Now back to a vender in Tyson
Wells who has been here for years. He used to be in Rice Ranch. But
as we got closer we noticed his have a nice day signs. This is the
guy who offers $1 burgers after 4 PM each day. Think he might make
them up a little smaller than normal for the after 4 crowd. That might
be kind of normal for pushing vender food....
But what I don't understand
is his signs as you get closer....
an attitude... that ought to help sell burgers to people just looking at
your menu?
how many get turned off and go across the way to the main food court in
Tyson Ranch to venders who actually want your business.
Humor is good, but rude
not a chapter in any of my customer service lessons I ever read.
That was until you get their
money, then all bets are off. Crude but true... But not signs up
front, in your face...
John and Derek, a snippet of the Raninbow RV group. Not members so we didn't
stop by... again this year. Get your butts down here next year so you can
drag us over to it.
I have said we don't go to the big tent show on the first few days as it
is just a crush of people.
we hold off till mid week.. so we can get better pictures and actully see
around the event.
luck hit me, I'm bound up with a head cold and dry hacking caugh this week.
I forgot how much this sucks. Especially since I have not had a cold for
several years now. Me wonders if I should I go to the crowded tent and
spread it around? Misery likes company... Would I do that? If this doesn't
get better I may not make it to the big tent show this year. It's not like
I haven't seen it all before in years past. It's fun but so much is a repeat
in each isle. Like at a state fair each vender has the same repeat location...
Why do we all go back each year... That's the question... It's something
to do... we are creatures of habit... Always looking for something we might
have missed out on last year. Next after walking for ever, exhausted
we desperatly look for a place to just sit down. We are Woodstock RVers
after all. The food venders have tables and chairs but you need to buy
to sit. Also venders who sell camping chairs seem to have signs on
them... Do Not Sit. Who is to say I wont buy one, If
I like it after a 1/2 hour or so checking it out...
this is what I remenber from years past. Can you imagine what my comments
will be after a swing thorough this years extravaganza.... Later....
Jan. 22
It's Grid Lock
time in Q.
big tent show opened, they came, they saw, they created traffic grid lock.
I have
said in past posts... is this the year they might not come. I was
right that they didn't come for the season, but they sure as hell showed
up the last few days for the big tent show. Quatrzsite if full. The BLM
(could never be full but, close in is full). You can drive back in a ways
and have all the privacy you want. As you can see they like to gather as
close to town as possible.. The herd factor.
is the bus conversion contingent north side Rice Ranch.
I actually put it in park
so I could take my foot of the brake.. Now that is slow going. Heading
toward Tyson Wells from the west on Kuehn Rd.
Parking is limited and some
try to park in the washes and don't understand this could get you in trouble.
Tyson Wells was slow going...
If we have an hour or so to kill we do the loop to check it all out.
That is mid afternoon when we feel it has cleared out some. Once is more
than enough a season we now think.
Heading south past the entrance
to the big tent show. It was mid afternoon and people were
starting to leave walking south to find where they had parked.
Looking south into Tyson
Wells... from Kuehn Rd. K and B itools (not in view) is on the left and
you see it now.. the big tent in the upper right. All these people
feel they need to be here on opening day. This is a main walkway to get
to the big tent from the north.
looking west into Rice Ranch. They were trying to get us to trun
to go to the Ladder Truck Pizza.
a good day was had by all. They came... the area is overflowing with
with RVs and the weather is as close to perfect as it can get at this time
of year in south AZ. (last year we had biggy storms and they even
closed the big tent down on Thursday due to it) The big tent show runs
into next weekend and this will cointinue to be a party, Woodstock for
RVers. Just how long they can endure off the grid in their RVs to
be seen. How many came for the party leaving their 5 Star RV parks or gated
homes with attached MH garage for a little fun in the sun. I guess what
I am thinking is anymore many just show up for a week for the shows and
move on just like the venders who also follow the events circuit. Some
RVers also just move from RV rally to RV rally. If that's whats your're
a challenge some look forward to, once a year, at this event to show themselves
they can sacarifice and boondock off the grid, if they have to. I
bet there is a sticker for that, for their "Where I Have Been Map".
If more would just stay longer they could enjoy the music jams, ATVing,
gold hunting, gem and mineral club, QIA events, and much more.
RVers... Are you one... They're not in tents anymore but a 5er or MH is
the RV of choice. Some may still get naked in the sun but I don't
think they will have to put up with the mud as in the original Woodstock.
Now days a quiet campfire instead of a band blowing tunes in the wind is
more like it. This Quartzsite for RVers is just as HUGE and boggles the
mind to see it all. We get here when it was just starting in late
October and watch it grow gradually and then one day it appears as today
out of control and madness. This has turned into a 10 day event like
a state fair where it blooms and wilts just as fast.
many who spend the whole season here doing ATVing, gold hunting, spending
time at the rock club... love the influx of people... and an atmosphere
of, boy this place is special. But when the masses move on to greener
pastures, we say under our breath... they have gone. We now get paradise,
and the streets, back to ourselves again thinking we are so special. That
is until we also leave in the spring as it gets hotter as we give
this place back to the truly special (as in crazy) people who call this
place home even in the summer heat. The consensus is their brains are fried
and don't know better.
I've rambled on enough... (I have a sore throat and dry caugh so that my
account for it)... Has been years since my last cold so feeling sorry for
myself... Gets me lots of sympathy from Terry...
Jan. 21
It's POW WOW Time
in Quartzsite.
I can
hear you... Pow Wow... What. Why.
is the annual World Famous Gem & Mineral Show held each January.
The first Pow Wow was held in 1967. Guess that name was from that
time and it suck. Venders come from all parts of the country and world
to show here filling the over 600 vender spaces. for the five day event.
After this event many move on to the Tuscon, AZ shows. Sort of like food
venders who travel the fair circuit. But filling 600 spaces every year
they must be doing something right. Another money making idea for the fulltime
RVer out there. Suppose it would help if you were into gems and minerals
thought. This is a whole nother kind of trinket, to be sure. Buyers tend
to know thier stuff and they do ask questions. Selling gems and minerals
is not like peddling a fake subsitute for a blooming onion. You remember
the crap we were sold yesterday at a food vender who runs the fair circuit
don't ya.
the Quartzsite Improvement Association web
vendors merchandize must be 75% gem, mineral or jewelry related. There
is free admission and free parking with two shuttles running thruout the
day from the parking area to the main hall. Three home style cooked
meals are served each day. If you want a quick lunch, you can stop
by the sandwich window. You can view 52 showcases of beautiful gems,
minerals and jewelry. In the hobby room you will see many beautiful displays
of other hobbies such as paniting, quilting, beading, wire wrap and much
you can see this is a big deal. Now some picturrs from around the

At one booth with citrine
I noticed a wholesale buyer bought all they had (20 pieces) and and wanted
200 more. He had cash.
Other than that it seemed
a bit slow.
The Gem and Mineral Club
holds a raffle with over 100 prizes drawn.

not all gems and minerals...
for grinding. Everything for the discriminating rock aficionado.
You put your rock in the
center and the wheels turn it in to a sphere.
get set the Big Tent Show opens on Saturday... a week later than last year.
Hope people didn't get confused and arrived early. If so they had a extra
week to play in the sun. But for the rest of us who are here for the whole
season it makes little difference.
we don't go to the opening few days of the big tent as it is just so crowded
you can't even move inside. Mid week it clears out a bit so you can acutely
get up close and personal to the vender booths, talk and get pictures.
Now that's the ticket.
you need the link here it is again. Just click the logo.
again back at our BLM campsite.
We did finish out the day
in the hot tub.
Terry opened up a bottle
of cheap champagne... It's what you have during a soak isn't it?
The glass is plastic...
He's in a blow up tub after all. As they say no glass in the pool area...
Jan. 20
Where the "Far
East" meets the "Old West"
you are in a sticks and bricks or have a garden that needs an uplift of
art... Q is the place to find your treasures.
He found just what he had
been looking for... I bet...
We saw one of those horns
mounted to the front of a MH the other day.
And look a plant holder
OR Champaign bottle coolers. Your choice.
After treasure hunting you
can revive your soul... This is located west past Carl's Jr if you're in
the need.
...or fill your stomach.
I told you I had been on
the lookout for a Blooming Onion. After we were back in camp Terry ran
back to get some at a place in the Rice Ranch vender area. He came
home with Shoestring Onions... their only offering.
Not even close to what I
remembered a blooming onion should taste or look like.
We didn't even finish the
greasy mess. It didn't even come with any dipping sauce.
Should have been more like
this... State fair food indeed... I didn't ask and he didn't say what they
Picture from the
The moonrise at sunset...
looking northeast. Another great day in Quartzsite ... shot on Tuesday
at sunset.
I'm getting confused about
which day I post about... and the date of the post.
The header sez Thursday...
but I did the editing on Wednesday morning for uploading on Wednesday night
for Thursday reading.
Are you still following
my thought pattern... I'm not sure I am.
Now a later Wednesday
update before uploading...
Anyway... We went to the
Pow Wow the World Famous Gem & Mineral Show today on Wednesday
in the afternoon.
Story and pictuers in the
next post... dated Friday about our day on Wednesday afternoon. Somehow
I lost a day here.
I'm still confused... but
working on how to date my posts... Now it would work out if I didn't post
everyday. Ya That's The Ticket.
We'll see. But Ya
Know It's the content and not the dates anyway me thinks.
Did I say we just go out
of another wonderful the hot tub. It might have fried my brains.
Now watching American Idol...
The first show of the new season... Talk about about fried brains...
Jan. 19
Fit this into
your RV.
I guess
you could get rid of your ATV and put this on your trailer... instead...
when you get tired of walking through the vender areas... You can rent
one of these... This is on the overpass of I-10 on HW 95. A hight
point in Q with a summit view of Q. Sure you can climb Q mountian
but this is easier especially if you rent on one of these.
Now like we say, if you're
in Q you will see many unique rigs like this one.
All are welcome in Quartzsite
from tenters to people in high dollar RVs. It's the lifestyle, not what
you do it in.
To be sure some, are not
doing it for fun, but as a last stop gap, as in down and out, and not their
prefered way they want to live.
In Q we all share the BLM
and we do get along as we are all closer to the basics and that we are
all in this together... When you share a campfire you just don't care about
all those other things.
We could see these were all
fiberglass and not real.
A fly over is always fun
unless they loose power and crash on your RV.
We have been here for years
and never saw one go down. They do sometimes swoop down and buzz campers.
They tend to be a little noisy, though. But then again so are most ATVs
roaming around the BLM. Not complaining mind you... As we run our Honda
3000 generator past the quiet hours some nights. Along with everyone else.
In this area close in, we are all in RVs so don't hear other units. It
is well known after dark you just have to step outside to hear the Desert
hum of generators. If you want real peace and quiet you can always go further
back in the BLM where you won't even be able to see another RV. This
is a vast area which makes it work for all who wnat to do their own thing.
Jan. 18
You can get your
favorite State Fair food here in Q.
food court area in Tyson Wells was busy.
If you look careful in the
above picture... can you find the sign for that would you eat this
Yes Chocolate
Covered Bacon. After doing a Google search I found I must have
been out boondocking way to much and missed this taste treat. And Ya Know
what, don't think I'll be trying it anytime soon. I've still got
my eye on a Blooming Onion over in Rice Ranch.
Bacon makes everything better, even... chocolate?
sounds so wrong — but for some, these ingredients just taste so right.
Read more about it in the above article.
A little more triditional
offering can be found in Tyson Wells food court..
We are still looking for
deep fried quartz crystals... Would have that crispy happy taste... but
sort of hard to digest, me thinks.
Or maybe just BBQ Roadrunner
or Quail. To be sue there are a lot of Ice Cream stands to smooth it, as
it all goes down.
Jan. 17
I like to say
a good day was had by all... each day in Q lately just gets better.
we are in Quartzsite, AZ if you are just now paying attention.
skies, warm temps and no wind. That's what makes a winning combination
in Q on any given January day. Right now as things move closer to the
Tent Days (Jan 22nd thru 30th, 2011 - Hours: 9 AM to 5
PM) it is extraordinary that we are in a continuing warming trend. It may
fall apart later, but right now it is perfect. People are out wandering
through the vender areas big time.
This has been shorts weather
in Q the last few days...
If you're up north you can
pause... put on your shorts, turn up the thermostat, and come back to view
the rest of this post.
I'll wait...
We made it to get a favorite...
They were good and at $6.50
in line with other offerings. I just have to accept these state fair prices
and get over it.
I did rants about vendor
fast food prices in the past if you remember... but.. I give up...
as we see people lining up to pay the price for their favorite junk food.
Come to think about it, this might be bigger than a small state fair. After
all the big tent show does run for 10 days. And the surrounding events
run for a month or longer.
May have to check out next
door a hand dipped fish and chips place later. In the Rice Ranch area I
saw a Blooming Onion Place. Just once this season may have to go for one
of those. If I'm a good boy that is. And no you don't get to vote. Especially
if you have a PMB in Rapid City. Haven't had a Blooming Onion since the
one I had at Cheyenne Frontier days several years ago.
And will have to get to "Bad
Boys" one of these days as I got this email from reader, Randy... Who sez...
we should visit "Bad Boys" restaurant and try it out sometime! This
guy is the quintessential Quartzsite story. When he first came to
Quartzsite he was selling sausages out of a cart. He has grown every
year and serves a great product at a fair price.
See Randy... I had a shot
of their place ready for a post..
Did stop last year once for
lunch. They moved last year into a sticks and bricks building on the north
side of the road in the Rice Ranch area. We want to go back and check out
their Sweet Potato Pancakes. Note.. they close mid afternoon.
Only serve breakfast and
lunch. This is the Woodstock for RVers after all some are
getting to the age where they eat supper and go to bed soon after the sun
sets. Local Restaurant busy hour is about 4:30 PM. Most close at
7 PM. You think I'm kidding...
But the they do get up early...
ALL rested to be sure... Just the other day I saw the RVers next door playing
lawn games before 9 AM as we opened our blinds to see if life existed outside
at time in the morning. For some of you... the Grubstake on North Central
is open late.
Stopping now... I have more
stuff but shouldn't divulge everything in just one post. Ya know
I can spread this stuff out over the next week if prudent... Keeping more
good stuff back for later. Got to keep the site sticky....
Jan. 15
Not everyday is
a vacation for fulltimers.
don't think we also don't visit the bathroom, eat breakfast, or have to
wash clothes?
everyday is it a just... get up and have a Bloody Mary and gather
around a morning campfire.
wakeup... need that "Bloody" before... the campfire gets the coffee boiling.
By that time who needs coffee...
if you can just get away for a weekend. But for us who live this life,
fulltime... we need pick and choose those events.
we burn out fast. I'm still working on that...
Friday we headed off to Parker to get the oil changed in our truck. You
say how booring. Yes I would say so also.
these things have to be done just like you home bound folks.
Chevy Dealer in Parker has done a whole makeover from top to bottom of
their building. Looks like brand new. Big bucks went into this remake.
We have had issues with them in the past and today didn't go perfect to
be sure. The first thing I noticed was a huge plaque on the
wall next to the service desk that stated..."Don't
Mess With Me... You Will Loose"
What is that to say to customers as they get service orders written up.
Not Cool. I'm sure it was ment to be funny. BUT
when you get service at a Chevy dealer you get a safty check of items they
check for free. Like tire pressure, tire tread left status, break pad status,
fuilds check status, battery voltage test. etc. None of that just a bill.
We always get oil change service at a Chevy dealer all around the country
as we travel and this is the only one of the few that doesn't do a GoodWrench
check of maintenance items. Now you may ask why we go back to them when
here for the winter. Well we tried the dealer in Blythe, CA and they were
worse, more like third world. Very scary.
I can hear you... He is just complaining for no good reason... Longtime
readers will remember we went to this dealer for new tires which they ordered
in for us. They were price compeditive. We spent (yes) 9 hours waiting
while they screwed around to get six tires on our truck with a front end
alignment. The jerk of a service manager stopped by and offered us pillows
jokingly. He was not funny by this time. They don't do alignments (didn't
tell us that) so had to take it to someone else to do that. Management
went nuts when at closing I told them we were still waiting for our truck.
To say the least we did not pay any labor for any of that. Later found
out the alignment was screwed up and ruined our front tires before we noticed
season they replaced our front and back U joints and it came in under the
estimate. They got the parts next day, as we rented a car from them as
were told our truck was not driveable. That worked out well so we
do go back, as they are the only game in town so to speak, and we have
a history with them. So when I tell them my name they get the big picture
as our history comes up in their database.
on the road, duck with the punches and move on. But it's all worth
it so, don't get me wrong, we do not regret being fulltimers for a second.
thoughts again back at our BLM campsite.
shot of the big tent.
hit the mid 70s today according to NPR in Yama. Now this is what
it's all about. Now if you just arived here (I should say they are pulling
in big time, at last) from the north and after they set up are sitting
outside in shorts. And why not, they are happy to see these temps. They
will wash off snow grime from their rigs later after they get settled in.
Nice to see these newcomers happy to see these temps but unlike the locals
who are in heavy coats, who this is the middle of winter for them. This
is the time K-Mart in Blythe is offering HEAVY winter coats for the locals.
But a baseball cap and a light hoodie does just fine for the ones who have
been here awhile for a month or so. We adapt to the mild temps as we follow
the snow storms up north. Been there done that and the mantra is and "Never
again... SNOW in my Life".... Repeat...
again... SNOW in my Life"..
didn't fire up the hot tub on Friday night but will do it to be sure Saturday
going to have sausage, potatoes, and sauerkraut while we watch Real
Time with Bill Mauer on HBO.
Jan. 14
The last few days
have been something.
The tent is up...
Been busy responding to emails
etc. And dealing internally with aspects of the Tucson shootings. Been
consumed reading all about it as, I'm sorry, I'm a current events junky.
After all my Droid X beeps whenever there is Breaking News. Not sure how
to stop that. Seems way too much is going on these days.
We are going to Parker to
get an oil change for our truck. May stop by the China Garden Restaurant
for another great meal. The last time we stopped by they were very busy.
With many happy faces. Ours included.
I'm not going to go on about
the Tucson shootings. The president asked us not to do that in a speech
to be remembered of maybe a lifetime. If you watched you know just how
great an orator he can be, when needed, to help heal our country. You may
like him or not him but that was just what we needed... and you felt it.
Didn't you.
thoughts again back at our BLM campsite.
It is warm here in Q and
we started to heat the hot tub but came inside to follow the news, but
will be back outside on Friday night big time. A campfire and soak is on
my mind for tomorrow.
Reflecting, looking up at
the stars, it can only help.
has pounded out a pork loin into thin tenderloins. I have challenged him
to make them them like the old midwestern pork tenderloins I remember from
my youth. It is a quest for me... and I have yet to find a very thin huge
crispy tenderloin in our travels as I remembered them back in IA. We had
a small cafe in my hometown that had tenderloines that were huge, and crispty.
It has been a search to find one like them to this day.
with a Google search I found this Stalking
the wild breaded pork tenderloin in Iowa web site.
Now this one is a little
bigger than what I am looking for, but I WILL take it if I find one.
Now if you want a site to
view the best... Pursuing
the Pork Tenderloin Sandwich
Hope you can take the chains
off your tires soon if you are up north.
Jan. 12
From the dust
of the desert it rises.
Pictures taken January 11,
Make no mistake this is the
big one.
Do click on the logo as
they have updated their web site big time.
Following pictures from the
RV show web site.
This phenomenon started over
35 years ago and is now billed as “The Largest Gathering Of RVers in the
With only two off ramps on
I-10 and just over 3000 permanant residents, Quartzsite, AZ becomes the
third largest city, in population, in the state of Arizona during the RV
Show. The QIA POW WOW,
plus several other rock & mineral shows and flea markets, has made
Quartzsite a "MUST-SEE" destination for a million+ people, annually.
Want more info see our Hitchitch
is this place called Quartzsite.
thoughts again back at our BLM campsite.
We ran across this home made
Looking at the unit from
the backside... how very cool. A built in patio... just lift up the back
panel. (see above picture again)
You get to see all kinds
of ideas that you can use to enhance your own RV lifestyle.
This is the place to view
every kind of RV and how people are using them. People watching at its
best, to be sure.
where we are at right now. DataStormUsers
map ID 98
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comment about our blog life... We love email. Just email |