Dec. 31
We hope this is a good
omen for the New Year.
The rain and wind hit us
mid week and after a bright sun came out and gave us this perfect rainbow.
It's the end of the year
and time to clean up some odds and ends that I didn't get posted this week.
The vendors are back big
time, now only if they would get some customers. The city had a special
vendor meeting, I think on Wednesday night and it is reported that they
were told that they had to be in a sticks and bricks building within three
years with a toilet. Rumor has it, a for profit private prison is talking
to the city. The city would like to have it go in north of town but the
sewage plant is not big enough. The city is broke and can't afford
to expand it. So the story goes if they can drive the snowbirds and vendors
out they can make much more money from the prison facility. That's the
word on the street. Take it for what it's worth. The city is in a real
mess with the council fighting with the new mayor. If the big tent
show ever pulled out this place would dry up and blow away. It is the winter
season and people feel the need to gossip... what else do they have to
do. They could go to the rock
club. Guess that is where we hear most of the cossip though.
Today we went for a drive
way back in the La Posa North loop after we got back from getting gas for
the generator and a new filled bottle of propane to get us though the weekend.
Oh and a bag of ice to chill the champagne. Nice sunny bright day
but cold.
As you can se these boondockers
have way too much time on their hands... you would think this was an organized
RV park or something. Word has it the BLM is frowning on rearranging the
real estate anymore.
Now along that line... if
you loose cell service you might drop by these folks who are way back in
the BLM.
Wonder how often they have
to empty the coin box? It's like the people who place a fake power pedestal
next to their RV to make you think they got power hookups and you didn't.

Now back at the ranch...
as in BLM campsite.
I got a whim on the Saturday
before Christmas and did the Amazon ordering thing and this showed up right
before Christmas.
A Folding Hammock.. Free
shipping, what is a big boy with his toys gunna do.
As you can see it is like
a work of art and folds up like a lawn chair for travel. Very cool. Looks
nice next to the hot tub which we have been using to the max. Terry just
loves the hot tub. We can heat it in under a hour with our on demand
propane water heater for about a gallon of propane.

Terry got a new Thermos bottle
and Mug. He carries hot tea to the rock club everyday and his old stuff
was showing its age.
As in tea stained. So made
sure I included a brush to keep this set clean.
Terry got me a Pulse Oximeter.
You know where you stick
your finger in it and it gives pulse and SPO2 oxygen saturation readings.
I go into Atrial fibrillation
from time to time and need to monitor my pulse.
On Wednesday we went off
to Walmart in Parker to get goodies for the weekend while there we got
Terry a new laptop.
He had been using a great
little sized Eee Notebook w/10" screen (it has 9 hr battery life) but it
was just to small to be using as his main machine. I will use it when I
need a little bigger screen size than my Droid X while on the road. He
loved it but I insisted he needed a larger screen to read his Harry Potter
stories and he does CAD like stuff and a bigger screen makes that so much
better. He uses a program called Inkscape.
I looked online and it said
the laptop I wanted was in stock at the store. It was, but they wanted
a higher price. I showed them the printout that had the price and that
I could pick it up at the store. They gave up the fight and gave me the
roll back price after I insisted they stand by their ad.
So now it's New Years Eve
and we are just going to snack our way through the evening. We do have
several bottles of cheap champagne on ice. John and Derek in their blog
did a search on the different types of champagne. We have some of each
will see which we
like better. Will make sure Terry eats his munchies as he is a light weight.
He does like champagne but gets tipsy, easy. Such an easy drunk. I on the
other hand...
I can see that I have been
rambling on and to think I could have used all this material on several
individual posts.
back as I may add to the the post as the night wears on...
Update: New York at midnight..
The best entertainment of
the night was Kathy and Copper to be sure tonight.
Now for a treat from New
Year's celebrations around the world
A 34 picture slide show.
Update: Did
you know it is only 11:30 PM here in Arizona (right now) The
TV networks give us the countdown from the east coast and for the rest
to the country we can just go to hell. BUT I found HBO came
to the rescue... Bette Midler: The Showgirl Must Go On from her
Las Vegas Show. She is so raunchy... the best... and for New Years
Eve what could be better. The sound is turned up and we are happy
campers... Terry is a bit looped, on his chanpagne, but a happy drunk,
so OK... We are having fun to be sure...
Note to Derek..
I like the Brut... best.

But the Extra Dry is not
bad either...
Dec. 24
Well sort of.... This
year finding a bit more sprit than in years past.
I'm actually giving presents
that are not just socks and underwear.
How could that be.... Must
be I'm getting old and senile. Hope not, but
that's the only reason I
can come up with as to why I am a little more
into the holiday spirit
this year.
Just a simple wish to send
our heartfelt best wishes on this Christmas Eve.
We are warm and happy here
in Quartzsite. Terry is going to cook a (small) turkey with all the fixins
in our RV oven tomorrow. Our favorate local restaurant La Casa Del Rancho
decided not to be open for Christmas dinner.
We got excited and
cleaned the 5er from top to bottom this afternoon. Two guys in a an RV,
how clean do you think we kept it. We are not slobs... but... it is now
very clean as I even used a wisk broom to sweep along the edeges of the
carpet and walls to get the edge dirt out so it could be sucked up. It
feels good to look around and know we are living in a like new RV again.
That might just be the best gift we give to each other. A clean and happy
home on wheels. I even cleand out and organized most of the storage
cabinets. The kitchen is all shiny ready for Terry to mess it up cooking
in the morning.
It has been cloudy with rain
and part of the interior BLM road even washed out during the storm yesterday.
But today it cleared up and
for Christmas it is to be clear and warm in the mid 70's.
We are thinking about putting
some fresh water in it for an after Christmas soak...
If we have the energy left
after eating that is.
Our neighbors in the BLM
Russ and Celeste like to emulate the Griswolds of the BLM, me thinks.
And they say, they cut back
this year on decorations.
They even project greetings
on their 5er front.
Here they are enjoying a
campfire as people drive by enjoying their display.
They are also into historical
reenactments of the late 1800s.
They gave this picture to
us of them that was taken at Tombstone, AZ during Tombstone A.T in 2010
Look at the clothes all
pressed up for the Heritage Ball that day. Getting in costume takes
a whole lot of effort and time.
We have had the pleasure
to get to know them as we are next to them in the BLM.
Now time to shut down for
now.. Supper is ready... Salmon and rice pilaf.
More on Christmas Day to
be sure. More Big Boys and Their Toys to show...
This year there is more
than socks and underwear presents to be unwrapped.
Take Care Out There....
Dec. 22
The rains came...
who would believe.
4 PM
We went to Parker for goodies
for Christmas on Wednesday. We found everything we wanted at Walmart.
When it hit $186 at the checkout we thought we have enough so just bypassed
Safeway. Glad we did as we were leaving town we could see the sky change.
I pulled out my Droid X and hit Radar Now. Next I kicked up the truck
cruse control to the top of the speed limit range to get our butts back
to Q. We could see we were in line to get hit.
We just got our goodies unloaded
back at our BLM site and the winds came up and it poured.
Now this is the desert so
a little rain goes a long way.
This will make everything
smell and feel good for days.
You know we would make sure
the hot tub was all wraped up and protected.
Now at 6 PM we can see another
wave of rain is heading our way. (see above)
We can go for weeks with
the most pleasant weather... sunny, 70s or more,
with no wind so when we
do get a weather event it is a happening to be savored.
An added benefit is a downpour
washes the dirt from our trailer and our solar
panels so when the sun does
reappear we are all set for a nice off the grid full power charge.
Sunny days in the desert
in winter may be nice, but rain might be even more joyous.
A body can only take so
many perfect days don't Ya Know.
We start feeling guilty
watching the news reports of people shoveling snow.
So if we get some rain to
mess up our perfect deal, we feel better.
Yah, that's the ticket...
Dec. 21
Something new
to try at the Quartzsite Gem and Mineral Club.
Look at these fused glass
cabochons. Many are made with dichoric glass.
And you thought the
Gem and Mineral club was just about rocks.
This is the first year for
this at the Q club. Taught by Greta on the right and Dawn (center) and
Linda (left) instructors in training.
If you are wondering a link
to How
to Make Fused Glass Cabochons
Terry is taking this class
one afternoon a week along with knife making see below.
The club is also offering
knife making this year.
This is the knife Terry
made. Elk antler handle and leather sheath all from scratch.
Terry tells me they still
do Gem and Minerals.
Check out all the club has
to offer at Quartzsite
Gem and Mineral Club
I do have to list that link
as I do that site...
Now back to life as we
find it. It's raining here in Q. Via my Weather
Watcher program that notified me of a National Weather Service Severe
Weather Alert. Forcast is for possibly 1 1/2 " over the next 24 hrs.
Now that doesn't sound like much you say... but in the desert that is a
gusher. If we get that much rain the washes will be running big time and
we do have a Flash Flood Watch in effect. A little excitment in the land
of winter sun and fun. I got the hot tub all covered up. Terry sez
we should heat it up and jump in while it's raining. I told him to get
a life. We plan on going to Parker tomorrow afternoon so we shall see if
we run into water going over the HW. They just don't believe in bridges
out here, but just let the water run over the road in the many washes.
Could be a fun drive... We shall see if we head the Do Not Enter When
Water on Road signs.
Red marks the spot with
the current radar.
Dec. 20
A change of plans
and more.
I answered a question on
the RV.NET forum on what resturants would be open on Christmas day n the
area... I answered:
La Casa Del Rancho in Q will
be open serving Christmas dinner. We will be going as we did for Thanksgiving.
A great huge feed for $9.95 Just a couple blocks north on AZ HW 95. in
Q. You wont do better anywhere else. BTY we will not to go the casino in
Parker for a holiday buffet. Last time there couldn't chew or even cut
the prime rib. And the Turkey was a processed turkey loaf. And to think
we stood in a long line to be disappointed.
to make firm up reservations and was told they have changed their minds
and decided not to open for Christmas. So I had to go and email the person
on the forum asking the question and make a new forum post. They are in
Las Vegas and heading south didn't want them to show up to a closed resturant.
The resturant even had an ad in the Desert Messenger so why they decided
to not be open, me can only think is they didn't think they would have
enough business. It is to be sure very slow here in Q. Not busy at all.
We assume people are planning to head south after Christmas. Like, Momma
sez I want to spend it the granddkids before we go south. Or the econony
is worse than we thought.
Another post I did on RV.NET
This is a happy camper post...
My Droid X is like a Marantz
stereo I owned with this new App I found.
I have been using
my Droid Incredible and now X for awhile and have wanted a more powerful
music player. I tried Winamp and RealPlayer and of course the one built
in. BUT they all placed my music mp3s in albums or artists. I wanted to
see them in folders like they are in my desktop. The Droid Incredible didn't
transfer music from my PC well (I gave up wondering how to do it) but the
Motorola Interface for the X does it just like looking at it like another
hard drive. Great software for my PC to interface with it.
NOW the reason for this post
I found PowerAMP
in the Droid Market. WOW is all I can say. It has a 10 band graphical equalizer,
presets, separate Bass and Treble. Plays songs from folders and from system
media library. Even has a pre amp in it. This is as good as it gets. I
Bluetooth it to my Altec
Lansing In Motion boom box or with my Koss ear pods. Blows me away.
It is free trial and then $5. This has made my Droid X the unit I always
hoped it could be for music. Along with a NPR app and Pandora this is my
all I need. The pre amp in the PowerAMP makes music in my ears just like
my big old box stereo did from years ago. I think I am going to get back
into loosing myself in sounds. A second youth. All this in a tiny little
package. I could hardly move my old Marantz with the four channel sound
around with Bose speakers.
The wood enclosure for it
was a must have. I don't remember if I had this model but it looks like
what I had. WOW that was four channels of sound. Look at all those controls.
I think I still have indentations in my head from the big old headphones
let alone what the sound did to my mind.
Yes I did have the four channel
headphone with the wired remote that I could move the sound around in them
all around from front to back and side to side. Those were the good old
days, but who would think what we have now, so light we can hold it all
in our hand and use while traveling fulltiming in an RV.
And to think I gave all this
away along with boxes of albums when I moved on in life. What was I thinking.
I sit here looking at the above picture I found on the web of a Marantz
receiver remembering, just how much I was into music back when. Might be
time to open up my ears and mind once again. Sounds good to me... Now
if I could just find a medical doctor (tongue in cheek) who would delcare
I should use medical marajuna (it's going to be legal now in AZ) to help
regain my hearing loss from the loud music from my past. Maybe my mind
was also damaged as I don't think that is an option. I don't think I would
partake even if I could. But boy it was, what so many of us Boomers did
way back when. You know who you are...
Now for the record in case
I get stopped by ICE. I don't have any illegal drugs.. only the many
prescribtions I take to help me get over the abuses from my youth.
That's life as we know it. Sharing... What we do best...
Dec. 17
Hung up in Quartzsite.
Just when you thought it
was safe to go driving on West Main in Q. This trucker guy was not having
a good day late Thursday. Looks like the whole bottom is hung up
real good. How would you get out of this mess?
This was at the Pilot station.
Now this is what I would
say is hung up.
I did something like this
once in south TX with our first 5th wheel in our first time heading south
as fulltimers back in 2003. So kind of know what he must feel.
When we drove across a dip from a parking lot to a side street to get back
on the main street. With a thud our 5er wheels were off the ground with
the back end hung up on the underneath spare tire. We were stuck...
Later saw a tiny sign that warned about the dip. At that time I was
the dip! We had to put blocks under the wheels as we jacked it up
inch by inch move a bit and jack it up again. A local volunteer at
the fire dept. even came by to help. That was in Aransas Pass, TX
by the way. I as the designated driver have learned a whole lot about pulling
a 5er since then. Be safe out there!
Dec. 16
Typical Quartzsite.
Just when the venders are
moving in big time, they come along and decide they should black top Prospectors
Panorama show grounds at HW 95 and Kuehn St south of the Interstate.
So everyone move out so we
can work please...
They had to stop... It rained
in Q. see the puddles.
Looks like Beer Bellys refused
to move as he was all set up. He has big coolers set up in his rented
area. Just seal coat around me while I drink my beer will Ya.. He used
to have a red carpet this way all they way out to to the street.
I'm sure it will all work
out in good Quartzsite fashion... "Let's not get excited till it hits,
too late mode". It's not like they didn't have all summer to get
this done.
Have to report in my best
restaurant reporter mode a place we WILL be going back to for good eats.
I did tell you about the crummy buffet at the Sizzler in Blythe but we
found a great cafe on the east end of Blythe on the main drag. Going to
Blythe from Q get off on the first exit. Steaks 'n Cakes
We have been driving by this
place for years and noticed the parking lot was always full any time of
the day. So on a shopping trip the other day we stopped in for brunch.
They had a breakfast special. Scrambled eggs over biscuits covered
in gravy with hash browns and ham or sausage for $6.90. Well let me tell
you it was the best. Fresh fluffy biscuits and the best hash browns we
had in some time. And a friendly staff. Next time it might be a fresh
shrimp enchilada that I think across the room someone was drooling over.
Notice the service club emblems
hanging out front. There is a reason they all meet at this place.
Now would you believe it
rained today in Q. We woke up to light sprinkles and it even tried to rain
at times and it lasted till afternoon. Got the dust settled. Now at 3 PM
it's clearing a bit and cooler. I nice change of pace. We were getting
spoiled with so many days this last week with it getting to 80° clear,
no wind and Quartzsite perfect. Should I go on or, be done? If you're in
Florida you can start heading this way.
Now back to real life...
It is still slow here in Q. The RV parks have lots of spaces and traffic
is still way down. Word is revenue is off 40% for this time of year
at the propane stations in town. We say this every year but this year may
just be the year they don't come. That's OK wont have to share the hot
tub that way. As if that was going to happen. And staying in the BLM is
looking better and better as I now see some RV parks in town are charging
up to 19.5 cents a KWH. The first year we came here in 2004 we stayed in
a RV park and paid 13 cents a KWH and thought that was a total rip-off.
Due to AZ state law RV parks can charge anything they can get away with
unlike mobile home parks who can only charge the same as what normal sticks
and brick home owners pay. Might be another reason some are not coming
back. BTW propane is $2.55 plus tax. The same as last year. Just over in
Bouse it is only $2.35 wonder why?
Around the town.
Need a blacksmith? You can
find one here in Quartzsite if you look hard enough. Recycling Societys'
Waste By Hammer & Hand
And at The Main Event...
Christmas is in full swing.
And down at Rice Ranch...
Ladder Truck Pizza Company is open. He has a ad in the local Desert Messenger
newspaper something about a 16 in Pizza for $15 with a $2 off coupon with
all the toppings included.
We are not big fans of Silly
Als Pizza so looking forward to see if this is better.
And back at the campsite
Just pull the cover off hop in and watch the sunset.
No words needed... Temp
was reading 105. I think he is done.
It's Saturday and going to
get onto the 80s. Yes you heard right. Time for a little A Prairie Home
Companion with Garrison Keillor on NPR and hot tubing around the fire.
Seems the thing to do as back in the midwest they are having a Blizzard
today. Ah Shucks gunna miss out on that event.
Dec. 6
The following
sez it all.

It has been hot tub weather
and will continue to be for another week.
And with sunsets like this.
One thing I have been surprised
is the way the water temp. does not drop that much overnight. I guess the
air in the tub wall and cover acts as a thermal barrier. It may go
down to 85° and takes less than an hour to heat back up to 104°.
The instant hot water tankless propane heater is working out well. Just
turn on the RV water pump to circulate water through it. Both water pressure
and heat temp are adjustable. We figure we are able to heat the tub
by using under one gallon of propane. It's hard to take... soaking
with a campfire, while looking at the bright Arizona stars at night.
Back to the Quartzsite scene...
We are seeing a few more people pulling into town and the BLM. And many
more venders getting set up. Still seems a little slow but getting better.
Dec. 2
On a buying streak.
It has been cool here in
Q so while waiting for it to warm up I got to thinking...
Not good as I was checking
out our Verizon bill as they over charged us.
I would not have known but
they send an email showing the direct bill amount each month.
See this blog post I did
in RV.NET forum
your cell bill for bogus charges
My Verizon bill notice is
sent to me via email and I noticed the amount was $9.99 higher than normal.
It is paid auto payment. Almost ignored the email but today went to my
account and found they had under data usage the charge added for the extra
amount. I called since I have unlimited data. Was told I do have unlimited
BUT the charge in the data section was a bill form a third party for text
services. I don't use texting. Was told the only way to stop the monthly
charge was to text to 75177 and enter STOP to stop the service. Told it
is not a service of Verizon but something I MUST have signed up for from
a third party.
When I sent a STOP text it
came back as
(Your Personal News Assistant!
$9.99 a month for breaking news updates and 100 queries NewsGlam doesn't
just bring your news alerts via text. Unlike any other service, when you
get your text alerts from us, you can text us a question about the news
and our human guides will find the answer and text it to you! NewsGlam
is not just news, its answers!)
That was who was sending
a bill to Verizon saying I had signed up with them for news updates. No,
not, ever would I do that. Verizon said it could only be activated from
my phone. NOT.
On their web site it looks
like all you have to do is enter your cell phone number and state you are
over 18 and hit submit..
Me thinks they submit numbers
and send them to cell phone providers hoping you will not notice.
You may remember when you
used to get charges on your old land line phone bill. The phone company
got a cut of the charge by allowing them to appear on your bill. Remember
when you could order flowers etc. and the bill came up on your phone bill?
Check everything and question
it. That $9.99 would have been charged each month. I still got stuck with
paying it for the first month. Verizon would not remove it. I had not received
any texts for this so called service. If so I would have been aware of
them sending me junk texts right off the bat. They bill and and don't send
anything to stay undercover.
Scams be aware, be very aware.
For more info all you have
to do is Google "texting scams"
I now have stopped all texting
in my account. No one can now text me.
anyway after that...
I discovered I could use
the upgrade option on our second line that we hadn't used and transfer
it to my main phone line so I could get a new phone early. I have
only had my Droid Incredible for a year but I have had my eye on the new
Droid X. So I ordered it.
Was sent overnight so I
am now setting it up. What fun. It is a little different than the
other Droid so another learning curve. Keeps the mind active, me thinks.
I know... Big boys and their toys... What the hell... it's only money...

4.3" screen with an 8MP camera,
HD video, HDMI output. They had a nice deal so I got all the options.

This thing is more like a
Pod than a phone. Oh and I can still tether it to my PC or laptop
with unlimited data with no extra charges.
Smartphone cost is $30 more
a month than a regular Verizon cell phone.
even better news...
It is warming up again here
in Q and ya know what that means... HOT TUB weather. I need
to get this post done so I can go out and start the propane heater to get
the tub hot for later. The pool boy (Terry) is off teaching a class at
the rock club and after lunch he has the Thursday club membership meeting.
He did do the chemicals for it the other day. Gooood pool boy.
where we are at right now. DataStormUsers
map ID 98
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